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Remedies of Hiccups

By My Name at 2009-11-30 01:56:00
Hiccoughs or hiccups are caused when the chest cavity gets suddenly contracted due to the irritation of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscular partition that divides the chest and the abdomen. Its contraction leads to the sound box (larynx) to shut temporarily, producing the characteristic hic sound of the hiccough.Everyone has a favorite hiccup remedy: touching a spoon against the uvula repeatedly while you try to breathe in, breathing into a bag, drinking water from the back side of a glass, massaging your neck, pulling on your tongue, sudden fright, pressing on your eyeball, or holding your breath. If none of those work and hiccups persist, doctors may prescribe various drugs to reduce nerve messages, make your stomach contract or tranquilize nerves.

The problem with hiccups is, they are usually different for everyone. You may have to experiment with a few different things before they will go away, and this is why the answer to how to get rid of hiccups seems so hard to find. But everyone is different, and everyone's hiccups are different, so there is no cure-all that will work for every case of hiccups every single time.The beauty of this method is that it requires no gadgets, cups of water, or anything other than breathing correctly. Nor does it require heavy breathing. On the contrary. It works by removing the irritating gap between the inspiration and the expiration, thus creating a continuous flow of slow-moving breath. Imagine breathing in a figure eight. As the out-breath reaches the end, slow the breath and twist it around so that it becomes the in-breath. Then simply create a figure eight of continuous breath. The hiccups will subside almost immediately. It usually works within 10 cycles. Most of the time less.

Curing minor cases of hiccups is generally about getting your diaphragm to relax and stop spasming, so try this method first. Take a deep breath, as deep as you possibly can, even deeper, and then take in a few more sips of air and slowly exhale. Blow out all of the air you possibly can, being very diligent about this. Keep blowing out until you simply have no more air to exhale, then slowly inhale once again. Repeat this procedure for five full breaths, and don't let any hiccups that hit you throw off your breathing.Scientists believe they may be able to explain why people hiccup.Researchers in France have suggested that it may be linked to evolution and the fact that our ancient ancestors lived in the sea.

They believe it may be a throwback to a time when our ancestors had gills to help them breathe It's going to be very tough to prove
The reason why humans hiccup has baffled scientists for hundreds of years, not least because it does not seem to serve any useful purpose.
A hiccup is also called a hiccough which occurs when the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle separating the lungs from the abdomen) suddenly contracts, and the epiglottis (the flap of tissue at the back of the throat that closes the entrance to the voicebox and windpipe during swallowing) closes.Hiccups are sudden contractions of the muscles we use to breathe in. Just after the muscles start to move, the glottis shuts off the windpipe, producing the characteristic "hic" sound. Hiccups can start in any season it has no any apparent reason and usually disappear after a few minutes. Rarely, hiccups can persist for days, weeks, or months. Hiccups are common and normal in newborns and infants.

Drink only in moderation. Like spices, alcoholic beverages can cause a simultaneous irritation of the esophagus and the stomach. And over time, excessive drinking can damage the lining of the food pipe. Parties, like the kind some college students attend, where people are sometimes dared to consume a lot of alcohol as quickly as possible, can lead to acute ingestion. The digestive system not only becomes irritated by the alcohol, but big gulps of it cause the esophagus to expand rapidly, resulting in hiccups.

Play "hear no evil." Some doctors recommend that you put your fingers in your ears to stop hiccups. The branches of the vagus nerve also reach into the auditory system, and by stimulating the nerve endings there, the vagus nerve goes into action. But be gentle, and don't stick your fingers too far into your ears.Using your thumb, apply gentle pressure to the space between your teeth and upper lip. Using the index finger of the same hand, apply pressure just below the right nostril on the outside of the lip.Have someone scare you. This may increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. Blow into a paper bag. Same reasoning as in number 1. Swallowing a teaspoon of sugar or honey. Yank forcefully on the tongue.

relieves intractable hiccups in 80% of cases. Metoclopramide (Reglan), carbamazepam, valproic acid (Depakene), and phenobarbital are also used.Hiccups lasting longer than a month! I would call that a living nightmare! At this point sufferers may resort to more extreme measures such as "inducing vomiting, or applying traction on the tongue or pressure on the eyeballs." As always, if all else fails, try poking yourself about the face and see what happens.Stimulating the back of the throat or roof of the mouth with the index fingerWhile sitting, leaning forward and compressing the chest and diaphragm against the kneePersistent hiccups are often recalcitrant to treatment. Many drugs have been used in anecdotal series. Baclofen Some Trade Names.

*Put 1 drop of chamomile essential oil in a brown paper bag and then hold bag over nose and mouth; breathe in and out slowly and deeply through the nose.
*Pour a half pint of boiling water over a quarter of a red pepper; steep; drink a wineglassful. If no red pepper is available, use five drops of tincture of Capsicum in a tablespoonful of water.
*Take 5 to 6 green cardamom. Boil in 2 cups of water. When it is boils then down to 1 cup remove, sieve and drink while warm.
*Keeping an ice bag on the diaphragm is also effective.
*Another popular home remedy for hiccups involves holding the breath. Once a sufferer senses an impending hiccup, he or she should perform a dry swallow. Children suffering from hiccups may also be cured by holding their breath while being tickled. Resistance to laughter may trigger a gasping response which puts everything back in order. While holding one's breath is a popular remedy, some suggest performing the exact opposite action. Blowing air out in a steady, controlled stream may force the diaphragm to contract and end the spasms.
*Take some ice water and sip quickly.
*For a few minutes, close your eyes and gently massage your eyeballs.

Read about Colon Cleansing and also read about Colon Cleansers and Natural Laxatives

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